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Dec 25, 2018

Don't worry, folks! The Cunninghams have this racism thing all figured out. This week, Emily and Joe review the episode "The Best Man," in which Howard's old army buddy Fred, who is black, comes to visit.

Dec 19, 2018

A tribute to Penny Marshall, an important part of the Happy Days family.

Dec 18, 2018

Richie Cunningham saw the best minds of his generation destroyed by milkshakes, starving, hysterical, naked. Yes, in "Great Expectations," Richie has some close encounters with actual, bongo-playing, espresso-drinking beatniks. It's like On the Road, except that he doesn't actually go anywhere. Emily and Joe are happy...

Dec 11, 2018

This week, Emily and Joe take a look at the episode "In the Name of Love," in which Richie becomes infatuated with a girl who keeps politely turning him down. This can only go well.

Dec 4, 2018

Richie Cunningham has a serious problem. His date is... TALLER than he is! I know, right? Don't worry. Emily and Joe will talk you though this crisis in their review of "Because She's There."